All pictures have "alt text" (which means that if you hold your mouse over them, a caption will pop up)

Victoria Leanne Schneider  May 31, 1983

Senior Picture, June 2000
Class of 2001

Sophomore, 1998 Freshman, 1997 Eighth grade, 1997 Eighth grade, 1996 Sixth grade, 1995 Sixth grade, 1994 Fifth grade, 1994 Fourth grade, 1993 Fourth grade, 1992 Third grade, 1991 Second grade, 1990 First grade, 1989 1987 ???year unknown??? ???year unknown???

Ginger & I Ginger & I

Links to Other Pictures Pages with Me:
Graduation Pictures
My Senior Pictures
Prom 2000 Pictures
Pictures of Me and Mark
Miscellaneous Pictures

| Gary | Jayann | Carrie | Jeff | Ginger | Greg | Vicky | Mark | Michala | Jadyn | O'Dells | Huls | Schneider |