May 16, 2001
Back row- Sayson, Dester, Me, Jeremy, Luke, Scott. Front row-
Liz, Eugenia, Beki
Graduation Party
at the Pharmacy, May 18, 2001
Beki, Kay and I in our caps and gowns. While Beki and I graduated
from high school, Kay completed her Doctorate of Phamacy degree.
Graduation Day
Little old me, the last one to walk into the gym on graduation day.
Graduation Day
This is me, getting my diploma from a bunch of bastards that "forgot"
I graduated with honors. Jerks.
Graduation Day
Michala, hanging out with Dad's bald head during my graduation.
Graduation Day
Me and Beki after the ceremony.
Graduation Day
Me and Mark after the ceremony.
| Gary | Jayann | Carrie | Jeff | Ginger | Greg | Vicky | Mark | Michala | Jadyn | O'Dells | Huls | Schneider |